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Standard Media

Even with the strength and growth of digital marketing, standard media sources are still beneficial.  Radio, TV, print, billboards, flyers have value and are still the comfort zone of advertising with many businesses.  They should be more of a combination with your overall  marketing efforts, not standalones.

Top Dog Marketing

Does the old ways of advertising work?

"I've always advertised there"

You may have a loyalty to a radio or TV station, a newspaper or a sales person.  But are you seeing a good return on your investment?  We can help you work through your needs, your options and how to meet your goals.


You need to be involved with the ad creation.  Is it getting the necessary message across?  Will it move the needle with getting increased customer traffic?  Am I targeting the right audience?


With radio you need a repeated message throughout the day.  Because of the cost of TV ads you need a good placement.  With newspaper, placement and ad eye appeal is critical.

"It's your ad dollars"

Too many times the standard media dictates to the client how to spend their advertising dollars.


The media sales rep offers a special promotion or giveaway or a sponsorship available that you should buy.  


Make sure that you're advertising for the right reasons.  Do you have a special that customers need to know about?  Is it a seasonal event that you need to promote? 


You have to see a Return of Investment.  Did that ad buy lead to more sales?  Your investment needs a positive result.


We can work with you on what media ad opportunities work best for your business.  Success should always be the primary objective!

"I see my Billboard every day"

Billboards and outside signage is name recognition and branding.  It rarely leads to call to action.  You should not expect this investment to reap big revenue growths.


Promoting a sale or huge discount will work to a point with outdoor signage, but the biggest factor in being visible is location, location, location of that signage!


Unless you have a large budget, changing an outdoor sign ad is costly.  Digital signs have it's purpose but the person reading it has a limited time to read it.  It also rarely leads to store visit or sale.


Billboards and other signage have somewhat of a value, but they need to be part of an overall marketing strategy.  We will work with you on how and when this marketing tool is a good resource.

"Digital is taking over print"

Yes, as you've seen, newspapers are shrinking in size and subscribers, as the transition to digital continues.


Print advertising still has value because print "clutter" is diminishing.  People will still read print material.  It's also a media resource that has a bit more life to it because it can be read again compared to radio, TV and digital where once it's aired it's gone.


We will work with you to make sure you cover the bases with your print advertising.  Size of the ad, placement is important, but content is priority #1.  Be concise with your message.  Make sure you offer easy ways to find your web site and/or social media pages in those ads. 


A QR code is a great tool because they can scan the code with their phone right from your ad.

Top Dog Marketing

Paws to remember this...

  • Stay in control of your advertising dollars.  Advertise when you see the value, not folding to pressure from a sales person pushing a "package" deal.

  • Invest in the standard media that hits your target audience, not just the ones you favor, watch or read.

  • Ask your media rep about their digital advertising opportunities.  Can you purchase a banner ad on their web site?  Can you buy a pre-roll video on their news story on their site?  Find ways that your web site can be linked on their site.

  • Don't be afraid to turn the tables and ask your media sales rep if their station or newspaper would want to advertise on your web site with a banner ad placement.  Your site has value to them too.

  • Add more value to your radio or TV ad buy by getting a copy of your ad and adding it to your web site or posting your ad on your social media platforms.  You can easily add a graphic of your print ad or a video from your TV ad.

Top Dog Marketing
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